Contact Us
Please click on a name below to send a message to just that individual or select a group address as indicated.
Air America Association Board of Directors:
President: Bob Noble
Vice President: Bo Brigida
General Secretary, Board Member: Kay Merkel Boruff
Board Member/Treasurer: Kathy Bruner
Board Member: Ben Densley
Board Member: Maureen Bevans Ebersole
You can send email to all board members here: Email Board
Additional Association Contacts:
Membership Secretary: Lesa Densley
Air America Log Editor: Sofia Brigida
Website Manager: Brian McCabe
Official Photographer: Tony Coalson
Archive Chairman: Jesse Walton
Country Store Sales: Bob Noble
Logo Protection and Control Committee: Terry Bruner
Reunion Planning and Coordination Committee: Kathy Bruner
Facebook Manager: Kay Merkel Boruff
Historian: Allen Cates
You can send email to everyone listed above here: Email AllFor questions or comments about archive collections and materials, please send your inquiries to:
The Vietnam Center and Archive at Texas Tech University: Steve Maxner
Special Collections Department at UTD: Patrizia Nava